I long to see the great army of producers in our country, turn their eyes up from their work; stir up those brains, now mere machines. . .set them to thinking, let them feel they are honorable, and farming the highest calling on earth. --OHK

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Minnesota’s New Grange is a social organization which seeks to encompass the involvement of our diverse membership.  Our group has a number of parties (committees) which you can be part of, helping provide leadership, direction, and decision planning, or just be a member and partake in the fun and enjoyment of our many events and activities!

Our parties consist of:

LEADERSHIP TEAM; the executive body of the traditional thirteen leadership position, the leadership team sets the agenda, offers leadership and guidance, and participates in outreach, communication and public relations for our Grange.

SCHOLARSHIP & FUNDRAISING PARTY; provided guidance and leadership in raising funds for our Grange Scholarship, and to support our activities, events, and other costs associated with our Grange.

CHILDREN, YOUTH & FAMILY PARTY; supports and provides leadership, activity planning, and mentorship for children, youth, and family within our Grange and statewide communities.

COMMUNITY SERVICE PARTY; supports and leads our strong commitment to community service and support of the Oliver Kelley Farm.

ATHLETICS & ACTIVITIES PARTY; organizes our 1860s town ball players, volleyball team, and other sports related and outdoor events and activities such as our Grange’s annual camping trip.

SOCIAL EVENTS PARTY; the party and events planning group who plan our Grange and community events and activities such as our annual Harvest Dance and Spring Frolic Fundraiser.

GREEN LIVING PARTY; the leadership group that focuses on contemporary issues of agriculture, urban farming, sustainable living, and legislative agendas for our Grange.


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